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Retention Survey

When presenting a proposal for significant change, presentation can be everything. If the old guard believes that the proposals are an attack on the way they do business, and the way they do it has been successful in the past, a proposal for major change can be viewed with hostility making it harder to implement the change. However, if the correct approach is used in a recommendation change, then current staff can be the biggest asset to getting the changes made quickly and efficiently.

The first advantage of using a SWOT analysis is that the very first thing it does is point out what an organization is doing right. When HR points out the things that the team is doing well, it makes it easier to approach the weaknesses. In addition, it can be vital to discuss with long-term employees what the weaknesses are, as they will mostly likely see them better than anyone else.

Additionally, by having employees point out the perceived weaknesses in the corporation, the HR professional has the opportunity to build a team environment and to avoid the perception of outside interference. For example, including in an analysis that 53 employees report that an outdated computer system hampers their work efforts instead of saying, “We need to update our computer systems”, often means the HR team will likely meet with less resistance.

Simply choosing proper phrasing for the recommendations can make a huge impact on the level of resistance. In the above case, the HR professional takes blame away from the employees and places it squarely on the shoulders of the company for not providing up to date equipment. This approach allows the employee to feel like that the company cares about and appreciates their efforts and understands their frustrations. Promoting the fedex information systems case study of understanding can lead to easier acceptance of new methodologies, new policies, etc.

Even as the concept of globalization has been fostering the new avatar of economy, the old concept of emphasizing on the financial capital and technology is making way for the new one, where human beings are seen as the primary capital. This radical change of focus has brought in a magical change in the mechanism of human resource management too – where it is now regarded as the guiding engine in determining, organizing and implementing the intellectual and human capital, besides knowledge and e-commerce management. Understandably, the scope and range of its operation have become larger than ever, and so its significance.

Yet that is just one side of the story, while the other side calls for effective human resource management in a demanding situation, where the spotlight would always be over them – as it now has the responsibility of handling the axis of modern business – the intellectual and human capital! One might argue that HRD (Human Resource Development) is a different faculty that deals with staff development, while HRM deals with Staffing solutions to a company – but that would be an isolated argument, as HRD is nothing but a ramified part of HRM, which covers the entire gamut of activities involving human capital and the organization.


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